How does Risk Media Solutions insurance newsletter services work?

Before we create your first newsletter, we will make a template using your company’s identifying markings, colors and logos. We like to make sure that it will comport with any marketing materials you already have to ensure that your overall branding effort is seamless.

We have three tiers of newsletters:

1. STANDARD NEWSLETTER – This is our lower cost service that is the utmost in convenience. The only difference between this and the customized version is that Risk Media Solutions picks the stories for you from our inventory of recent, timely articles. Despite the lower cost you can be assured that the articles in the standard newsletter will be quality content that meets the needs of your customers. Like the customized newsletter, you can post the pdf on your website or we can create a sub-domain on our site to store your newsletters so that your clients can read them online.

2. SEMI-CUSTOMIZED – This is a mid-tier newsletter with all of the stories pre-chosen for three pages and your agency has one page for which to submit its own content. We coordinate with you prior to every issue on the content you will submit so that we can design one of the pages specifically for your content.

3. CUSTOMIZED – This service allows you to customize your newsletter any way you want. You pick the stories you want from the constantly growing inventory of stories on our website and submit any articles you create in-house. From there we will lay out the newsletter for you and generate a high-resolution pdf file. We can print and mail this for you to your clients on your behalf as well as disseminate it via e-mail to your clients. You can post the pdf file on your website or we can create a sub-domain on our website to store your newsletters so that your clients can read them online.

DISTRIBUTION: We can print and mail the newsletters and/or e-mail them to your clients with html code embedded into the e-mail that is nearly a mirror image of the pdf file, except condensed. E-mailing on your behalf does not cost extra. If you would like to see how our e-mailed versions look, contact us.

Do I have a choice of only the articles provided on your website?

If you choose our Custom Newsletter, you can also include your own articles. Our approach is that this is YOUR insurance newsletter, meaning that we want you to be completely satisfied with the stories in it and that they fit your company’s and clients’ needs. If you want to just provide your clients with a newsletter that updates them on the latest issues in insurance coverage, employee benefits and workplace safety, you can choose the articles from our site. If you want to highlight some part of your brokerage’s offerings or make announcements, you can have one of your staff write a piece (which we’ll edit for you) or you can provide us with details and we’ll write it for you. And we will always provide you with a proof before anything is sent out.

You decide how much involvement you want in the process. Some of our clients are very active and write their own items. Others give us directions on what topic they’d like us to cover and leave the writing to our editors, who have decades of experience writing business articles.

Finally, you may want to just pick stories from the slate on our website. We’ve found that the most effective newsletters (the ones that have received a warm response from our customers’ clients) are the ones where our client is involved in the process.

What else do I need to know about your customized services?

If you want to take a more hands-on approach, we will work with you to ensure that your customized content will have maximum benefit for your brokerage, while reflecting the personal touch that you are known for among your clients. We can schedule a monthly conference call with you and relevant staff to discuss the articles or promotional pieces that your brokers or other personnel may want to write or that we can write on their behalf.

We can also help you create regular features. For example, one of our customers has a “Client of the Month” section, in which one of the brokerage’s clients is profiled. Risk Media Solutions develops the questions for the interview based on material and information provided by the broker. We ask their clients to provide photos and then we lay out an impressive article. This particular broker has told us that these “Client of the Month” pieces truly cements their relationship with that client and shows their other clients how much they value them.

The bottom line is that we will work with you depending on your needs.

What's MY time commitment?

We are professionals at Risk Media Solutions and we know that time is money. Most of clients spend around 10 minutes a month choosing the stories for their newsletter. Once we’ve created a proof, it may take another 10 minutes for you to peruse it and approve it for dissemination.

How do you know what you’re writing about? Insurance and health and safety are complicated issues after all.

Risk Media Solutions is owned and operated by a veteran insurance and business reporter with more than 20 years of experience writing for business newspapers, daily papers, insurance and risk management trade publications. Our staff also includes writers with marketing and communications experience, as well as award-winning graphic designers and layout artists who know how to make a publication shine. We know insurance, health and benefits and workplace issues and we provide news that your clients can use.

What about copyright issues?

The copyright of all articles produced by Risk Media Solutions are owned by Risk Media Solutions. However if Risk Media Solutions writes a piece specifically for your agency with your agency as the subject of the article, your agency owns the copyright. Articles submitted by your agency for use in the newsletter are the property of your agency.

Why do I even need a newsletter?

It’s a value-added service that will set you apart from your competitors. Our newsletters are an ideal customer outreach and marketing tool, allowing your company to provide your clients with the latest information on your company’s offerings and any new external developments you feel they should be aware of, such as seasonal news (like heat illness prevention techniques), or timely news (like the passage of legislation, precedent-setting court decisions or newly promulgated regulations).

Providing this information is above and beyond what most brokerages will do and it sets your agency apart from the pack.